The Abduction of Europe 1: why Europe?
The Abduction of Europe II: Debt, financialization and the European political space
The Abduction of Europe III: Commonfare
The Abduction of Europe IV: Social Movements.
The main objective of the encounter was to advance the European dimension of contemporary social movements in response to the prevailing political and economic context of austerity. The first post deals with the general rationale for the event and why the question of Europe is such an important one; the second reflects on the workshop on financialization and debt; the third reflects on the workshop on 'commonfare'; and the final one describes some of the new European social movements emerging around the right to housing and healthcare.
The Abduction of Europe was organised by the Fundacion de los Comunes, a kind of umbrella organisation encompassing projects such as Traficantes de Suenos, la Universidad Nomada>, Observatorio Metrpolitano (Madrid and Barcelona) and Movement for Democracy. It was supported by the Reina Sofia Museum for Contemporary Art.